Saturday, December 13, 2008

Leadership and competitive advantage

When Alexdender was fighting the greek with 10 times of many fighters.  They evaluated their situation, and it looked greem.  "We have less people but each one of us is stronger, the harsh weather is punishing everyone but we can brave it better, " Alexdender said, "but I am absolutely sure we will win, because I am leading!"

That is the leadership confidence and leadership difference.  If a person does not believe the leadership has an impact, that person will not in the leadership position at all.

I have been listening to a few different books why jogging, which I try to do more in light of not able to swim much at all this semester.  I repeat the reading as much as I can.  At the end of each run, I felt both my phyisical and mental conditions is exercised and felt great.

Talked to a friend over Chrismas party, setting as -10% trigger of stock sell might be something I should try.  Since the worse in a game is that one lost everything.

Being looking at so called 3X ETF (and -3X) , it is really a gamble!   

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