Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Deposition in LA

Went to LA for deposition.  Quite an education for me. Met with the lawyer Ryan, Josh and the EK who filed the case.  Very disappointing to me, for I supported her fully and really tried to help the university, but EK turned around and bring the university and many board members to this mess.

The deposition was arranged in the law firm that focused on deposition, quite a setup, with videoagrapher and a recorder.

My council was

Monday, February 18, 2019

Six years of biking

Can’t believe its been 6 years since I started biking the Monterey Rec Trail. Time flies.  I saw the photos on FB, a nice feature but it also reminds me how much time as past. At that time, life is simple, work, biking, taking care of the kids.  Repeat.  DD was just 13 year old.  Now it is hard to image he was to small.

Spend time only by myself these days, getting used to it.  The busy schedule at MB, IT, and EW plus various project such as investment, Northwest, CalGE, really took my time away, don’t even have time to relax in any days.  I guess I can’t complain since I choose to do so.