Sunday, March 24, 2019

Graduate passing away of mom and dad - March 24 2019

Rushed home for a week. Didn't do much other than helping mom and dad.  Dad is in the hospital, other than visiting him twice a day and hiring a 24 hour care-taker, there is not much that I could do.  Mom is losing her memory, she will ask the same questions every 3 minutes, and of course, don't know she is repeating herself.  Putting notes everywhere did not help since she is losing her eyesight and don't want to use glasses.  Plus my right ear is plugged up because of the flu.  Burning the candle on three sides!

Mom accumulated over 15 years of documents, brochures, books, newspaper clips, filled a couple rooms.  It took me hours, with help from Ah-Di, to clean the small study room and the guest room.  Many of the papers are stained with mice urine small horribly.  I put most of the book/paper in the backyard, every 5 minutes, mom would go there and pick up a few random stuff and put them in the study.  I would move them again to the backyard - this will repeat 10s of times in a day.  But when someone is losing her memory, there is no use of teaching or getting angry, since she will remember nothing.

Next year have to get flu shot, the sneezing and coughing is bad enough, I can't stand my right ear is plugged up, I start to realize, the hearing is as important as the seeing. 

Try to bring mom to take a walk every day, she enjoyed it, especially combined with shopping for breakfast.

Sis is going back to stay with mom for three months, really appreciate it.  The younger brother has cut all communication with us, demand each one of use send him $1,7 million NT and help mom and pop for 15 years before we contact him or his wife.  Not very happy.  Especially when the wife insult the older brother, that really enraged me.  I just have to treat her like an ingorant kid and let my anger aside to deal with the issues.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Uphill battle to the Valley

Got a good advice today on how to control the way I express myself.  The message might be correct, but the way we express it might catch the effect that is not desirable.
We can be firm, clear but nice.

Learn it and practice it!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

国际医药大学 = 千年传承 + 硅谷科技

国际医药大学 = 千年传承 + 硅谷科技
University of East-West Medicine
= Chinese Tradition + Silicon Valley Innovation




代化,科技化的慢呢?中是在代化,科不休;而能推代化的人才很少,所以展非常慢;最重要的是中医学界略家太少,提不出高屋建的建议。进用长远发展的略眼光来运筹帷幄、用科技,中西的高端人才十分缺乏。 中如何代化?人才是!我一定要培大量的具有立思辨能力,和推代化敢于新的中人才。

学多年来立足展完善中士,太极气士,博士位的教学体系。,就是要在中,西,科技, 实证,建立梁。用最新的科技和究方法,动发展新和中文化的新。校附中心,也造福了美硅谷的众多患者,也带给学校同佳的理论联系实际的实习



博士,加州大学尔湾分校计算机工程哲学博士。他在加大的研究,推动了美国用大数据及人工智能诊断癌症的进程。 在参加国际医药大学之前,他在加州州立大任教研究多年,包括教学计算机,创新创业,大数据各个种课程。 他并在加州州大成立了计算机学院及创新学院。他也曾应邀为台湾政府卫生研究院建立了线上教育系统。 解决了当年在SARS大量流行时,全岛公共卫生教育的训练问题 。除了在教学,管理,究外,他了美WASC审查的大学认证,邀到全世界各大讲,包括中山,北大,清华。