Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Reflection in a quiet morning

It seems to be a warm day and my spirit is upbeat. Maybe because of flu that bothered my last week is gone, maybe because the semester is entering a more stable period, maybe because the labrador is getting used the home and quieter, maybe because the book "tipping point" I read last night, maybe because the chat I had with friends, maybe because the walk I had with yo-yo, maybe because I have arrange the SF conference, maybe because I can open up the top of Starbucks, or maybe because the girl smiled at me when I came in the school building.

Feeling that my talk to people these day bores them. Feeling my public service position is at a standstill. Worried about CALMAT.

Like the song said,
Already embarked
Can't ask where is the route
Against the wind we go
Is the only direction

Against the wind we go.

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