Saturday, January 18, 2020

辟谷及生酮-分析东西方的饮食养生方式 Bigu vs. Keto - Comparing the Eastern and the Western Diet Regiments


东方传承千年的养生方式”辟谷“,与近期开始流行的“生酮饮食”, 有着殊途同归的过程与成果。他们让人减重,降食欲,有精力,思考清楚。生酮饮食在二十世纪被采用治疗癫痫,后来成为一种流行的养生方式。生酮是一种高脂肪、适量蛋白质和尽量降低碳水化合物饮食,强迫人体燃烧脂肪而非碳水化合物。日本小泉教授在2016年,提出了生酮饮食的科学根据,得到诺贝尔奖。辟谷源自道家养生中的“不食五谷”,是中国传承千年的一种养生方式。它源于先秦,辟谷最早的记载源自《庄子·逍遥游》:“有神人居焉。肌肤若冰雪,淖约若处子,不食五谷“,弘一法师也写了辟谷后的体会:「无梦、无挂、无虑、心清、意静、体轻。」此篇论文从科学及数据的角度, 比较辟谷与生酮的不同, 并提出两种养生方法的优劣点,以及未来研究建议的方向。

Bigu vs. Keto - Comparing the Eastern and the Western Diet Regiments

Eric Y. Tao, PhD
Chinese have a long traditional practice of "bi gu", and it has a similar process and results as the ketogenic diet, or Keto, that has recently become popular. The practices make people lose weight, reduce their appetite, increase energy, and think clearly. Keto was used in the twentieth century to treat epilepsy. Keto later becomes a popular form of health practice - a high-fat, moderate protein and minimizes carbohydrates by forcing the body to burn fat rather than carbohydrates. In 2016, Prof. Koizumi of Japan provided the scientific basis of the ketogenic diet and won the Nobel Prize. “Bi gu” means “Avoid Grain” is a way of health preservation in China for thousands of years. It originated from the pre-Qin Dynasty, and the earliest record was derived from "Zhuangzi·Happy Travel." Master Hongyi also wrote about his bigu experience of bigu:  "No dreams, no worries, peaceful, light body." This research analyzes the sciences and data to compare the differences between bigu and keto, proposes new bigu standards, and recommends future research directions.

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