It is not a great year, not bad either. There are triumph and headaches galore.

I always tell my students, DD and JJ that reflection is the best way to learn, I should do that too -
Kids are doing well
JJ got into Cal, one of her top choices. We were very excited even though there was a chance to go to Stanford or Harvard, we did not hire a consultant or went to special prep classes.
JJ got many recognitions and scholarship, able to drive her to campus and visit the interesting city of Berkeley is a special treat for us. She is still struggling with which major to go, political science was her love but might not link to a career well unless she goes to grad school.
DD is doing fine, maintaining a 4.0, he is trying harder but not to the level that can make him compete with the best in the world.
Health is not great
My right knee starts to hurt more often, the old ski injury is coming back. I can't run or walk more than two hours without feeling the pain, the weather is too cold to bike comfortably. And too much good food in Taiwan made me feel bloated and frustrating.
Career is going fine
Back the classroom pleases me. Able to grow the CS Online program is also very exciting and rewarding. The politics wear me down, however. People's envy is toxic in a group. Helped the HengDa group to acquire Mt Sierra College, an 18-month long journey. Got a little bit of consulting fee at the end but have to turn down the president's job, the condition is not ideal. But I am glad that it is done. I learn a lot from the process.
Preparing a book on innovation - this could be my parting project at CSUMB and a stepping stone for next move. While many of the classmates are retiring, which startles me, I am planning the next 20 years. Probably more balanced between work and leisure - I was never that big on leisure since I try to find projects that are enjoyable. But travel more, visit parents more, enjoy more music and arts, might be in the picture.
Finance is OK but risky
Got locked up in VAL, too risky. Sold the Seaside house for a good price, enough to fund all JJ and DD's tuition. That comforts me. The Pacific St project troubles me, the financing was not ideal, so I will have to look for other opportunities.
Spirit is not high
I had a hard time adjusting to DD and JJ growing independent, while I am happy with them, I don't know how much I should direct their study or lives. They are too young to be left alone completely, so I feel I am locked in a small space, don't want to leave but can't do much for them.
Maybe I should practice meditation more. I tried a few times and it does help.
I set up the 2016 goals of
- health - lose weight
- book - innovation
- writing - blogs
I guess I have to continue those.