Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer drive

An eventful day. Tennis in the morning. Csu class at noon. Get home gym installed in the after noon. At 5, decided to take my cruising bike to Carmel barnyard via Hatton canyon. It is a perfect weather for biking. Touring around the mostly empty shopping center and do window shopping in several interning stores that have not been to for years. It is very pleasant. Just have to learn to enjoy these alone.

Summer started on campus

Campus emptied out within a weekend. Library is eerily quiet. I walked to the lib and pick up a book by tony Wagner titled  creating innovators. The book try to use qr code to enhance the printed page. 15 century technolog-The author lamented.  Bit the first qr code I try to access did not work!  So the printed technology works because it is cheap and reliable. The new tech has to be better on both to replace the old one. This is an example of creativity interfere with usability. Ironic.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Unrelenting Email

Getting thru 100+ email a day troubles me still. Might have to have strict routine to deal with it.  Let's try
At least three times a day, early morning, mid-day and around mid-night , 15-30 min each time.  Goal is to quickly review all emails, answer urgent and import once, move others to "later" bin and clean up the mail box.