Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Paper work in government
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Low spirit can start a vicious cycle
Today, a gloomy Sunday, Ying's family with new kids from JiangYin visited and D. Chen visited in the afternoon. Both are pleasant. But I am depressed a bit. Because the recruitment is facing challenges and certification are forced to move to Monterey against my recommendation.
Dealing with challenges is never a problem for me, I am invigorated by it. But a challenge that I can't do much about frustrates me. Since I can't do much, I should not worry, just like the seven habits book states, only worry about things within your circle of influence. But I can't help but feel depressed.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The road less traveled
Happiness is nowhere,
But a direction that I can dash toward, full-speed,
Without contemplating other roads,
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Institute for Innovation 2012-2013 annual report - message from the director
Message from the Director Dr. Eric Tao
Friday, July 12, 2013
Journal of Summer 2013 Asia trip
陶翼青博士 (Dr. Eric Y. Tao)
Self-inflicted pain
Either I walk yoyo the yellow lab for an hour or I will prep my bike for commute to work. I kept the NBC stock real time on on my ipad and start breakfast reading Mercury News. The breakfast is usually rather substantial, a rich mug of coffee with milk, croissant with ham. I would love some fruit with it but rarely. While I eat, every so often I scan the stock market, if there is movement, I might trade some.
I have been in and out of the stocks of several big-new companies, Bank of America, AIG, RBS, Citi. The stock market goddess has been lay pity on me since the 2009 crash. Most of my asset are from stock purchased after the year. I often make scary bets, hundred of thousands in one shot. So far I am doing fine betting on the very likely of U.S. economy. What surprised me since 2005 is the rise of real estate market in mainland China and Taiwan. When my friend Fong suggest me to purchase an apartment in Shanghai for US$300K, I was incredulous. Now it is around $1M.
After either drive or bike to Monterey Bay campus, it is non-stop of meetings, emails, advising, classes, signatures. I try to walk around every hour also in school ITCD building, but often only get to do so a couple of times per day. The day goes fast, before I know it, it is lunch time, I take a cup of tea and a snack bar. Check the stock market again before it closes at 1PM PST. A day goes fast, I usually have a thing or two that I have to finish that day, although I hate to bring home any CSUMB work, I have to do it at least two days a week.
- to be cont -
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Keeping journal
Reviewed a interesting poster this morning called success indicator.. most of the item s are common sense. But one criteria caught my eyes:
the successful people keep journal. The failed one said they will keep journal but don't. Well. Better start keeping journal then.
My challenge is there are too many places to keep: this blogger, 3434 yahoo blog, several note books, and evernotes. Since many of them are semi public, and I don't think any media is completely safe, I have been keeping the journal as if they will be published someday.
That would be ding, or can be the worst nightmares.
Getting the oil changed of the old Lexus. It has served me well over 13 years now..still going strong . Just have to clean it myself regularly. Since age 40, somehow I have become adamant on neatness. Very different form my young days.. now I can not standard kids being Sloppy. How ironic.
The day was much darker today. Suddenly clouds moved in, rained terribly, mood sank. Meetings were filled with useless arguments. Emails ...
The end of the semester is close. Today marks the last day of Senate meeting, I organized a certificate for Dan Fernandez. I enjoyed showin...