Monday, December 16, 2013
Blew up in school meeting
I can't take the attitude that "the prerequisite to improve my work quality is to give me more money", especially we are dealing with education. There are so many problems that we can solve and help the students, especially the under-served one, but when the first thing faculty think is more money, we quickly going to how to allocate limited financial resources - important discussion, but rarely link to better education to the students.
I discussed with a retired provost a couple of days ago. His remarks on why he took an early retirement is interesting "I can't stand the politics of the faculty". I am worried that many of the faculty are falling into that trap: "more money or low quality". In both education and high-tech, it is proven the mentality does not work.
Quality has to be #1 issue.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Being a professor
Compared to the old days, a university professor is similar to a priest. The gospel is knowledge and pursue of new knowledge. The professors are supposed to work hard, but on the subject they find worthy and interesting, answering to no one but their peers.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Internal management team
Each person's perspective is limited, since we usually don't have a group of advisor that know us well and have the right aspect and available to us, it is an worthwhile strategy to have some "Internal Management Team"
CEO - set the vision, lead the charge, adjust the strategy
CFO - make sure the resource is there, be prudent and efficient with the resource
COO - make sure all the procedure is established and followed and production is effective
Board - Watch over the "big picture", heed the danger, take the long view, the sure I do the right thing, not just doing things right
Often we have to put ourself in one of these role so the overall operation is meaningful and productive. And hopefully, lead us to peace and joy.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Financial Independence and Financial Knowledge
I was lucky enough that I cash out most of my remaining stock in 1999 for another house in Monterey and escaped the dot com stock bubble. I restarted my investment in 2003. Not until I stared study the necessary book, take the necessary risk, avoided the typical pitfall that devour the typical investor: greed and fear. I read several books on stock and real estate, follow closely WSJ, forbes and Money and Between 2003 and today 2013, I started with less than 100K, now is 10X more.
The total time I studied is less than 3-400 hours. The hourly rate is more than $1000! I cannot believe I did not spend some time earlier in financial study, I probably wasted at least 3000 hours in college on games and useless chats. Everyone should know the basic of investment. It might not be as important as life and death, but it is definite results in rich or poor.
Friday, October 25, 2013
HIstory of finance
Getting more and more interested in finance and the history of it. Especially when I took Schiller s class last summer, he brought the financial market book with him once to a vacation. He is so mesmerized by it that he read the 800 page book by the pool side. Siegel book is a classic. really enjoy it, so far two chap into it.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
poverty and prosperity
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
One reason it is best to share bad news in person
Maya Angelou
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Grad student presentations notes and comments
- client did not come, which showed either they are either not engaged, not supportive or not happy with the project
- students presentation is not rehearsed. 1. time is not controlled, 2. demo, which is the crucial part of the presentation, is often chaotic
- presentation skills are fine overall, slides are well organized. Many students still use "like" "uhm", "you know"...
- Most projects focus narrowly to the clients instructional media design, instead of the broad process. We should train the student as designer, similar to an architect, not a construction worker.
- A general issue is the communication and commitment of the client, we should have a signed agreements with them and education the clients on the design process.
Most project adopt a non-personal approach, training oriented training. How to inspire?
Faculty are very committed to the projects they advise, but during student presentation, faculty should let the student facing the challenges themselves, instead of injecting during student presentation.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
40 Direct Reports
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Retire? Never! It is the next movement of the grand symphony
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Paper work in government
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Low spirit can start a vicious cycle
Today, a gloomy Sunday, Ying's family with new kids from JiangYin visited and D. Chen visited in the afternoon. Both are pleasant. But I am depressed a bit. Because the recruitment is facing challenges and certification are forced to move to Monterey against my recommendation.
Dealing with challenges is never a problem for me, I am invigorated by it. But a challenge that I can't do much about frustrates me. Since I can't do much, I should not worry, just like the seven habits book states, only worry about things within your circle of influence. But I can't help but feel depressed.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
The road less traveled
Happiness is nowhere,
But a direction that I can dash toward, full-speed,
Without contemplating other roads,
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Institute for Innovation 2012-2013 annual report - message from the director
Message from the Director Dr. Eric Tao
Friday, July 12, 2013
Journal of Summer 2013 Asia trip
陶翼青博士 (Dr. Eric Y. Tao)
Self-inflicted pain
Either I walk yoyo the yellow lab for an hour or I will prep my bike for commute to work. I kept the NBC stock real time on on my ipad and start breakfast reading Mercury News. The breakfast is usually rather substantial, a rich mug of coffee with milk, croissant with ham. I would love some fruit with it but rarely. While I eat, every so often I scan the stock market, if there is movement, I might trade some.
I have been in and out of the stocks of several big-new companies, Bank of America, AIG, RBS, Citi. The stock market goddess has been lay pity on me since the 2009 crash. Most of my asset are from stock purchased after the year. I often make scary bets, hundred of thousands in one shot. So far I am doing fine betting on the very likely of U.S. economy. What surprised me since 2005 is the rise of real estate market in mainland China and Taiwan. When my friend Fong suggest me to purchase an apartment in Shanghai for US$300K, I was incredulous. Now it is around $1M.
After either drive or bike to Monterey Bay campus, it is non-stop of meetings, emails, advising, classes, signatures. I try to walk around every hour also in school ITCD building, but often only get to do so a couple of times per day. The day goes fast, before I know it, it is lunch time, I take a cup of tea and a snack bar. Check the stock market again before it closes at 1PM PST. A day goes fast, I usually have a thing or two that I have to finish that day, although I hate to bring home any CSUMB work, I have to do it at least two days a week.
- to be cont -
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Keeping journal
Reviewed a interesting poster this morning called success indicator.. most of the item s are common sense. But one criteria caught my eyes:
the successful people keep journal. The failed one said they will keep journal but don't. Well. Better start keeping journal then.
My challenge is there are too many places to keep: this blogger, 3434 yahoo blog, several note books, and evernotes. Since many of them are semi public, and I don't think any media is completely safe, I have been keeping the journal as if they will be published someday.
That would be ding, or can be the worst nightmares.
Getting the oil changed of the old Lexus. It has served me well over 13 years now..still going strong . Just have to clean it myself regularly. Since age 40, somehow I have become adamant on neatness. Very different form my young days.. now I can not standard kids being Sloppy. How ironic.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
A Poem to my faculty
We are all monks
In the temple of academe
Worship the god of knowledge
Save the students from the sin of ignorance
So please take bring up governance
We are all nuns
Practice the love of wisdom
Dispel the devil of dogma
So when I ask you to work on weekends
So please say no more about unions
We are all priests
Spread the gospel of research
So please no mention of salary
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Enjoy sunday down time. Or not
After commence excitment yesterday, the qientness of this merning felt like discomfort. Sitting in the corner of the living room that I seldom venture to, the house is quiet and inappropriately huge and empty.
Reflecting tthe years past, just realize the struggling time is the sweetest and most savoring memory. And in hindsight, no matter the battles were won or lost, there is always something gained. Maybe I am lucky enough that the godness of fortune usually on my side.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Interviewing for an executive position
Friday, March 29, 2013
Choices and Fates
We all make choices every day. Should we eat the extra large French fries or go the gym? Should we watch the TVs show or study? Should we take a lesson or a vacation?
Each one seems trivial. But the accumulative became our fate, our life and who we are.
Are our parents there to guide us, support us, punish us at each of the teachable moments? The lucky ones have. The unlucky ones either don't have parents around or their parents make the decision not to guide, support or punish.
The luckiest ones do all these for themselves. Bit it is rare. Am I the lucky one? Am I making the right choice for my self? For the kids? These questions bother me often.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Bike to work and thoughts

Well, well, take a good deep breath and enjoy the ride. Sun is setting... Time is running out....
Monday, March 25, 2013
Spring break reflection - life is like a dream
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Passionate words but cold deeds
Got frustrated lately. Not because the unrelenting amount of emails or the work during the bitter midnight, it is because people talk passionately but behave otherwise. I don't know how should I react. Should I pretend I appreciate the words even I know they are hollow? Should I mock their passion and enrage them? Sigh. I only nod slightly and see them going down their shallow pretense.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Powerful Quotes that Speak to Me
"Come back with your shield, or on it." - Spartan mothers to their waring sons
"I expect it will be hard; I expect it will be done." - Japanese Shogun games
"And whatever else history may say about me when I'm gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty's lamp guiding your steps and opportunity's arm steadying your way." Reagan, 1992
“It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; Who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt Speech at the Sorbonne April 23, 1910
"Go big or go home." - yours truly.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Obsessed with finishing emails
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Learn not to worry about things I can't control
Have to plan, execute, review. But the more challenging one is how not to be worried and depressed about things that is out of my control. Since there is not much I can do about them, worrying does not produce any results.
Hopefully the weather will turn nicer so I can ride my bike more, that is a proven method to reduce stress.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
All we need
According to Cicero, if you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
When there is no human left to hear, is music still beautiful?
Sunday, January 6, 2013
The book turn out to be much more academic than I would like. Skidelsky spent a lot of pages on establishing the prior scholar conclusin.
Still early in the book so I am hopeful. My pessimistic hunch is that human nature have precluded there is a limited of desire. So it will never be enough.
Keynes assume by 2030 the west will be so productive that the average work hour is 15 per week. But it is completely wrong in the US and most of the world except old Europe. For better or for worse, the US and East Asia, work is not only for earning a living. Long hours is a status symbol, a badge of honor, a self-imposed lifestyle. The poor are jobless, the rich work 70 hours a week. So it completely defy Keynes' predictions.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Peaceful at the office

Wrote this to my contacts: Looking forward to 365 fun days of working and learning with you! Happy 2013!
The day was much darker today. Suddenly clouds moved in, rained terribly, mood sank. Meetings were filled with useless arguments. Emails ...
The end of the semester is close. Today marks the last day of Senate meeting, I organized a certificate for Dan Fernandez. I enjoyed showin...