Glad that I can accompany Fang to go to his boy scout activity and hike in Point Lobo State Reserve. Even we have been there a few times, it is still a enjoy enable experience for us. Especially the side trip we took to the whaler’s cove. A place rich with history, including a short chapter of early Chinese settlement. Jung Choy. Don’t know hundreds of years from now, will there be any records of we staying in
It is leisure and enjoyable Sunday. From most perspective, a fulfilling day. However, I woke up from my afternoon nap and felt anxious that a full day gone by without much achievements.
I reflect on my work and felt most of it are meaningless. I guess it is part of the middle age. Suddenly I start to negotiate with life on the nickel and dime level because I start to feel so little is left. I enjoy my work, my family and my daily life. It is peaceful and enjoyable, but there are parts of my heart that are not fully content. Need a break through.